Meet TrustPay Team: Interview with Zuzana Biskupičová, Head of Organization & HR
In our blogs, we continually introduce our skillful members of the TrustPay team.
We recently published an interview with Mirka, and you could also notice an article with Majka, Head of Legal & Compliance. Now it’s time to meet our Head of Organization & HR – Zuzana Biskupičová, in other words, the “Good fairy”.
Why did you choose TrustPay?
After returning from Australia, I knew I wanted to work with people further. I was scrolling the job opportunities when I came across this interesting offer from TrustPay. I immediately reacted to it, and a few days later, we talked at the interview, which turned into a perfect conversation.
This position was precisely the one I was looking for. It caught my attention because I got a unique chance to prove my leadership skills. That’s how I started the journey at TrustPay. 🙂
“I found a field where I’m 100% myself, and I mostly like its’ diversity. I can quickly get excited by any agenda or challenge – from solving various problems, building the team, and organizing the company’s events.”
What position are you currently working in, and what do you enjoy most about it?
I work as a Head of Organization & HR – an essential position in every company. I found a field where I’m 100% myself, and I mostly like its’ diversity. I can quickly get excited by any agenda or challenge – from solving various problems, building the team, and organizing the company’s events.
What do you value most about your work, and what is the biggest challenge for you at the moment?
In TrustPay, I mostly appreciate the family atmosphere and how fair is the company to all employees. Every effort is properly rewarded. I always receive back what I put into my work. That goes for everyone. I have respect for the trust we get from the company management and also the career growth opportunities.
Every day is different. That’s the biggest challenge. I get involved in unexpected situations where I immediately must take action. I’m the first person who is contacted when sudden changes occur.
What are your relationships with colleagues within the company, and how do you evaluate the corporate culture of TrustPay?
Good relationships with my TrustPay colleagues mean a lot to me. We are great friends. We have lunches together, coffee breaks, and other activities during the week. Every Monday, we meet at brunch to snack on the fruit, yogurts, crisps, or homemade cookies.
I mostly enjoy our team-building activities, especially the barbeques and trips to Moravia. Everyone loves them. Some colleagues discharge their energy at volleyball matches, and others prefer relaxing in the swimming pools. I either can’t forget to mention the disco parties, live cymbal bands, or wine tastings in the mystical Czech cellars known as “sklepy”.
Team-building trips are great occasions to get to know each other from a more human perspective and strengthen friendships. I’m happy to stand behind their preparation.
Besides team-building events, we have a custom of exchanging books, we help the homeless people, once we swapped clothes with one another. I plan to organize regular yoga sessions, a cycling day, and a company trekking in the future.
What does a typical day look like in your position?
It differs. I seek after the promotional products, arrange the business trips, prepare the administration materials, or take care of the comfort of our employees. I’m available when they need help or just want to spill their guts.
I also take charge of the organization of our team-building activities. Circumstances and conditions have to be met by the majority of all participants. Colleagues’ only responsibility is to come on time. That’s the only thing they have to do.
In the last weeks, I have worked on recreating the company’s rooms and space. With the help of an interior designer, we completely rebuilt the canteen. There is new furniture, pictures, live flowers, and an everyday growing library.
Currently, we’re building new secretariat offices. There are plenty of things to do in my position. 🙂

Any fun moments from working at TrustPay?
I have several good ones. The latest one, still fresh, was when a technical problem appeared in the water pipes.
I had to explain to all our employees that it would be good if they rather didn’t use the toilets. Can you imagine that someone suddenly disables access to your basic needs? A few unpublishable moments came out of that. I knew it made no sense to keep it in suspense, so I sent everyone home. 🙂